Title: Angel Whispers (2016) (Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version)
Artist Name(s): Carrie Ng (Actor) | Weng Xiu Lan (Actor) | Hung Tin Chiu (Actor) | SUN ZHI QIANG (Actor) | Xu Ya Ting (Actor) | Zhu Li Ling (Actor)
Director: Carrie Ng | Weng Xiu Lan
Release Date: 2016-01-14
Language: Cantonese
Country of Origin: Hong Kong
Sham Shui Po, there is the most famous red-light district in Hong Kong. Li owns a few of the apartments in the building and she earns a living by renting them out to the prostitutes. To the prostitutes though, she is more a friend than just a landlord. She gets together a group of prostitutes and work as hard as they could, trying to attract business to turn the tide. Still, they do not know they are quietly approaching death.
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